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PROGRAM FOR VISION AND CREATIVITY - Week 7 - Sat Kriya Through / Meditation: Experience Project your

3 Key Concepts:

1) Chakra Lock.

Sometimes we lock onto one chakra and one value.

For example, in the 3rd chakra we

seek power and dominance and we think this is what we must value to live a good life and fulfill our Self.

We see it everywhere. Or, we use an idea or goal associated with a higher chakra to achieve the goals of a lower chakra. Ex.,a valuable spiritual perspective on forgiveness (4th chakra) or purity/authenticity (5th chakra) is applied and used to create power over someone or to judge them as lesser or bad.

Chakra Lock ceases to balance the goals of one chakra with the virtues of the others. We lose perspective.

Putting every situation into one value center creates disasters. Chakra Lock requires a fanaticism that is dangerous to the good.

No other realities are seen and all other values are reduced to singularity. For human beings it

is like trying to place the entire ocean in a thimble. The thimble is painfully small; it won’t work; and even if you capture a little sample of the ocean you lose its nature, vastness and function. The ego, in Chakra Lock, is just like that (Level 2 Man

ual, Life Cycles & Life Styles

, p. 223).

2) The best chance to counterbalance the tendency of Chakra Lock is to build your capacity for a neutral mind* which can observe mindfully, stay open and lower the internal noise of the ego’s entitlement and

need to be right (Level 2 Manual, Life Cycles & Life Styles

, p. 223).

*Neutral Mind —one of three functional minds, i.e., negative, positive and neutral mind. The neutral mind is the

mind that judges and assesses without attachment in relation to your own purpose and reality. It observes the actions of both the negative and positive mind and judges both in relationship to your higher self. Each thought is filtered through the negative, positive and neutral minds. The neutral mind reflects the uniqueness of the soul. All

meditation develops the neutral mind (The Aquarian Teacher Level 1 Textbook, pp. 120‐122).

3) By conquering your mind, you can conquer your world"

Guru Nanak

Thanks and credits to Shakta Kaur


Choose one exercise per chakra and apply Sat Kriya to them:

Chant the sound Sat from the Navel Point and Solar Plexus, and pull the umbilicus all the way in and up, toward the spine. On Naam relax the belly. Continue at least 3 minutes, then inhale and squeeze the muscles tightly from the buttocks all the way up the back, past the shoulders. Mentally allow the energy to flow through the top of the skull. Ideally, you should relax for twice the length of time that the kriya was practiced

1 Muladhara

Crow Pose, Chair Pose, Body drops, Frog Pose, Mulbhand, Front Stretches, Lying on stomach with feet kicking buttocks.

2 Svadisthana

Frog Pose, Cobra Pose, Butterfly, Cat-Cow, Maha Mudra, Pelvic Lifts.

3 Manipura

Stretch Pose, Peacock Pose, Bow Pose, Fish Pose, Diaphragm Lock; all exercises which train the abdominal muscles.

4 Anahata

Ego Eradicator, Yoga Mudra, Bear Grip, Baby Pose (strengthens the heart muscles). All arm exercises, and exercises which twist the upper torso.

5 Vishuddha

Shoulder Stand, Cobra Pose, Plow Pose, Camel Pose, Cat-Cow, Neck Rolls, Neck Lock, nose to knees.

6 Ajna

Archer Pose, Yoga Mudra. All exercises where the forehead rests on the floor.

7 Sahasrara

EgoEradicator, MahaMudra. Concentrating on the tip of the nose, Sat Kriya

8 Aura

Triangle Pose, Ego Eradicator, Archer Pose. All arm exercises.


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