The 11
The 11
The 11
Kundalini yoga for life
Nadhi Sodhan
nadi, from the root nad,
"channel", "stream", or "flow"
sodhana means "to make something perfect"
3 minutes a day
1.In this pranayam, the breath is always SLOW,relaxed, deep and full.
2..Eyes can be opened or closed but with focus inside.
3..Spine straight.
4.Left hand in Gyan Mudra.
5.You will use the thumb of the right hand to close the right nostril, and the index finger or ring finger of the right hand to close the left nostril.
6.Then close the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril.
7.Then inhale through the right nostril.
8.Close the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril.
9.Continue repeating, alternating nostrils after each inhalation.
Benefits of Alternate Nostril Breathing:
ï‚· Creates whole brain functioning by balancing the right and left hemispheres.
ï‚· Is both integrating and grounding.
ï‚· Purifies the ida and pingala nadis, gently.
ï‚· Creates a deep sense of well-being and harmony on the physical, mental, and emotional levels.
ï‚· Can help with headaches, migraines, and other stress-related symptoms.
ï‚· Inhale left, exhale right: Helps to make you calm and integrates unwanted negative emotions and stress. Excellent by itself before bed.
ï‚· Inhale right, exhale left: Gives clarity, and positive mood. Helps us to focus on what is important.
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